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  • Membership Program

    Be a part of The Cottage Membership to unlock an additional 10% discount.

  • Early Bird

    • Book 30 days in advance to enjoy our lucrative offers.
    • Book: Available for all booking periods
    • Stay: Available for all stay periods
  • Long Stay Discount

    Enjoy our discount for a long stay.

    Book: Available for all booking periods

    Stay: Available for all stay periods

  • Travel in Threes

    Ideal for a small family or group, this package offers a room for 3 persons.

    Book: Available for all booking periods

    Stay: Available for all booking periods

The Amigos Restaurant


Hotel Facilities


Airport Transfer (Suvarnabhumi Airport)   24 Hours
Restaurant   06.30 – 22.30
Breakfast Buffet   06.30 – 10.00
Swimming Pool   09.30 – 21.00
Concierge/Tour Counter   09.00 – 18.00
À La Carte
Dining Room

The Amigos Restaurant is renowned for its Thai specialties and also offers various international cuisines. Renovated in late 2022, the restaurant is split into two sections: In-door Dining and Outdoor Terrace. In-door dining gives you the option to dine in an air-conditioned room with a twist of contemporary and eclectic design elements while listening to your favorite jazz. On the other hand, the outdoor terrace gives a contrasting emotion, dining under a breeze of fresh air in a relaxing garden view is hard to top.

Swimming Pool

Our swimming pool is available for use from 09.30 – 21.00.

Meeting Room

This newly renovated room features a sleek conference table, which can accommodate up to 7 persons. This room is perfect for a small-sized meeting.

The Amigos Restaurant

The Amigos Restaurant is renowned for its Thai specialties and also offers various international cuisines. Renovated in late 2022, the restaurant is split into two sections: Indoor dining and Outdoor terrace. In-door dining gives you the option to dine in an air-conditioned room with a twist of contemporary and eclectic design elements. On the other hand, the outdoor terrace gives a contrasting emotion, dining under a breeze of fresh air.

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